- Title: Tatsumaki Zoro - by Rona Lucci
- Artist: Sephirona
Please visit my DeviantArt Account <3
Roronoa Zoro from One Piece, using his Tatsumaki Attack. Experimenting with colors in Painter. :D Haven't drawn dragons in a longgg time, either.
Thanks for looking <3 - Date: 01/31/2009
- Tags: tatsumaki zoro sephirona rona
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Leaferson - 09/11/2009
- The dragon was your best part I say! ^^
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- Malario - 09/11/2009
- That dragon kinda looks like the Hyourinmaru (or whatever it was) Dragon
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- Zer0-Sama - 06/06/2009
- i really like that dragon thingXD DX
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- X_x death face X_x - 06/06/2009
- one pice is great
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- Sephirona - 02/02/2009
- Lolol xD; Thanks <3 Still trying to learn how to draw better oAo;
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- The Mraz - 02/02/2009
- As expected from DeviantArt user.. xD.. Nice one...
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- Gocchii - 02/01/2009
- luv the dragon biggrin
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